For General Conference, Jared and I decided to take a trip to Utah. We had gotten tickets to go to the Saturday afternoon session of General Conference, also the Friday before Jared had a mission reunion at BYU that he wanted to attend. So we packed our things and went to Utah.
Our first stop was in St. George. We stopped there on Thursday night and spent the evening with Jared's grandparents that live just outside of St. George in Dammeron Valley. It was great spending time with them, since we dont get to see them very often. The following day, after a great breakfast from Grandma, we drove to our hotel in Midvale, UT, which is just 10 minutes outside of Salt Lake City. We had planned to attend a session in the Salt Lake Temple, but we just didnt have enough time before Jared's mission reunion.
Driving to BYU was not a fun drive... apparently there was a BYU football game that evening so the freeways were packed with people trying to get to the game. We finally made it an hour late to Jared's mission reunion. It was so much fun getting to meet a lot of people that Jared served his mission with and especially his mission president and his wife. They are such sweet people and it was great to hear from them, how great of a missionary Jared was. Unfortunately, I was stupid and forgot my camera that night so I dont have any pictures.
Jared and I infront of the Brigham Young's House.
Jared and a Joseph Smith statue.